Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just a simple test

Maria Biondi

“ I work in a market. I hate my job. Everyday, I look at 64 chickens that I have to clean. When I arrive at the market and see those chickens, I always sigh. I do the same thing everyday – grap a chicken, cut it open, clean it, put it in the refrigerator – 64 timies. At the end of the day, I always feel sick from all the blood and smells. My fingers hurt because I wash the chickens in cold water. When I go home, I just want to close my eyes and rest. “

Question about the Maria Boandi story are…
1.      What does Maria do? A.
a.       She do as a butcher.
b.      She do as a tailor.
c.       She do as a writer

2.      Does she like the job ? Explain. A.
a.       No.She doesn’t like her job as a butcher, because the job make her always get sick because the blood and the smells from the chickens.
b.      Yes. She does, because the job make her always get sick because the blood and the smells from the chickens.
c.       She is normal, because the job make her always get sick because the blood and the smells from the chickens.

Misayuki Miyata

“ I have an exciting job. I’m a reporter for a newspaper. My days are always different. I never know what will happen. I never know where I’ll need to go. I never feel bored. Oh, excuse me. I’ve got to run. I have an interview with Meryl Streep, the actress, in 10 minutes. “

Question about the Misayuki Miyata story are…

3.      What does Masayuki do? A.
a.       Reporter
b.      Writer
c.       Teacher

4.      Where does she work? D.
d.      Uncertain places
e.       Jail
f.        Post office

5.      Do you think she like it? Explain. G.
g.       Yes. she does, because her job it is an exciting job.
h.       No. she doesn’t, because her job it is an exciting job.
i.         Normal.


Deepavali is celebrated by Hindu Indians every year. It’s also known as the Festival of Light because oil lamps are lit in every Indian home on Deepavali night.
The stories of the origin of Deepavali vary. But the famous Indian epic, the Ramayana, tells of how the hero Rama was banished by his father, King Dasharata of Ayodhya, because of Rama stepmother’s jelousy. He lived alone with his wife, Shinta, and brother, Laxmana. One day, while Rama and Laxmana were out hunting, Sinta was kidnapped by the demon King Ravana of Ceylon. Together with a great number of his defeated Ravana in battle. When Rama, Laxmana and Sinta returned victoriously yo Ayodhya, the people welcome them back by lighting up their house with oil lamps. To this day, Hindus celebrate Deepavali in remembrance of Rama’s victory over Ravana.
Days before the festival. Indian women clean their homes, bake special cakes and make new clothes for their children. The night before Deepavali, incense is burnt to welcome in Lashmi, the goddess of love, beuty and wealth.
Before dawn the next morning, every member of the family takes a customary oil-bath. Thisis followed by a visit to the temple where they pray. Then, the family puts on new clothes and sits down to eat a big Deepaval breakfast of such foods as thosai, chutney and mutton curry.
After this, friends and relatives visit each other to exchange greetings. Everywhere they go, they find many different types of food to ea. The children, especially, have a fine time playing with their new toys and, later in the evening, lighted sparklers.

Question about the Misayuki Deepavali are…

6.      Who is Rama’ father ? A.
a.       King Dasharata
b.      Laxmana
c.       King Ravana

7.      Why was Rama banished by his father? It’ was..A
a.       Because of his stepmother’s jealousy
b.      Because of his hobby is hunting
c.       Because he was jelous of his stepmother

8.      The story behind Deepavali’s celebration is written in paragraph…A.
a.       Two
b.      Three
c.       Four

9.      Why do the Hindus celebrate Deepavali today?A.
a.       To remember the victory of Rama over Ravana
b.      To welcome in Lakshmi
c.       To visit friends and relatives

10.  “ There, He defeated Ravana in battle (Paragraph 2). “ The underlined word refers to …A.
a.       Ceylon
b.      Ayodhya
c.       India

thank you^^


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